
Act Against Piracy

It that time of the year again where family and friends come together to celebrate their holidays. And it is the time where hit songs are repeatedly played on our local and national radio stations. Everyone wants to have their most played favorite artist’s copy. So to music companies which record those artists await some vigorous returns on sales. Our brothers and sisters who’re unemployed also want some money to meet their needs during and after these holidays. Therefore they opt the corrupt way to close some cash in their pockets and purses which is piracy (selling of copied music). This would instantly affect our musicians in this country because they’ll be waiting for big returns and catch nothing. Some we find them dying with nothing on their savings because they were affected by piracy. SOUTHERN AFRICAN FEDERATION AGAINST COPYRIGHT THEFT must put a scrutiny against this act and also the Department of Works in our country. Piracy doesn’t only affect the owner of music or intellectual property, but also affect our country’s economy. The recording companies which should be returning much tax to SA Revenue are ending up returning a loss report. Everyone must act against it as long you’re still the citizen of this country. If one is buying a copied CD or DVD is promoting piracy.


Students took a stand at Unizul

Dear Skulmate
Students took a stand at Unizul I am one of the students at the University of Zululand, since my arrival in this institution there was a huge gab of communication between students them selves and between management. Students had no platform to voice out freely what lies within them. They had no source of information on current issues happening within their institution. I just want to extend my deepest gratitude and intellectual appreciation to some students of Unizul who took a stand and revived University of Zululand Press.
UZ press is the online news source for students to access current hot issues unfolding within the institution. This on line news source was not running for quit a long time, but we appreciate these students for reviving and bringing back such a valuable tool. In the past, as students we used to read stories unfolding on campus to other news sources without knowing the issue.
But UZ press is now keeping us informed with all current issues, from the SRC issues to student’s society events. There are many other students on campus that also tried to establish news papers but failed along the way. We waited in great expectations but they never managed to publish even one story. UZ press is a very pivotal tool for us students who want to improve our writing skills and for the whole student body of Unizul. Guys I really appreciate the work well done.
Keep your site with your sizzling hot articles up and running. We need people like you in this country, who can take initiation regardless of the environment. In previous years I visited other universities like University of Johannesburg, Rhodes University, they have news papers owned and run by students. They govern radio stations and online magazine all by determined students who wish to bring change in their surrounding.
Our institution should support these students in every way. This is the real legacy which needs to be nurtured and supported. Since UZ press is the only news provider for students at Unizul, I think many even from out side should lay hand and assist these students with passion to make a difference and bring about great transformation. Such ideas need to be encouraged, so that other students can take a good pattern. UZ press team keep it going.
Phumlani Nkwanyana
P O Box 456
Richards bay
3900 --


S'fiso Ncwane waited to hit Unizul tonight

Sfiso Ncwane universally known for his hit song “Phakama Nkosi Yezulu” is awaited to hit University of Zululand Bhekuzulu Hall tonight for the 2010 SRC planned Gospel Concert. He will be accompanied by Sechaba, Kholeka and many other artists, including local artist and the Unizul Choir. This concert is defined as the lightest concert when compared to other previous ones’, where there were more than five popular artists and this year’s have only three. Ncwane has made his appearance more than three times this year at Unizul but he’s waited up more than before by students. Awaited performance includes his hit songs like “Alikho Igama, Phakama Nkosi Yezulu” and many more.

Other stories:

Unizul SRC has planned a closing bash to take place tomorrow Saturday night until the morning, where would be performing DJ Fresh and other various DJ’s. This would be the second and the last bash in 2010 after the whole 2009 term had no entertainment. Lots of people from surrounding areas are awaited to hit Unizul.


DASO and YCL campaigns off campus

Democratic Alliance Student Organisation (DASO) President Menzi Dhlomo and Young Communist League (YCL) President Bongani “Jobe” Sithole visited off campus students of University of Zululand in campaigning for votes on Saturday. These two parties are contesting with other two parties, which make a total of four SRC contestants, went interchanging for the pleading of votes in students residing off campus. This was a surprise for lot of students as it has never happened before in the past few years.

DASO Campaign
Menzi Dhlomo who is the president and who’s been a party representative during the eve of the election campaign went house to house giving brochures and pleading students for votes. Remarking about the elections he touched things which are “to bring change in the whole service era of the institution”. Menzi pleaded students to believe in “the change” they going to bring as new Student Representative Council if they win the election. As they are a new party in the university they promise to bring new “beneficial changes” in and out of campus.

YCL Campaign
Accompanied by a party member Bongani “Jobe” Sithole visited a local church to ask for prayers as they are in the eve for elections. Commenting to such doing he told the church that he do this not for the sake of attracting crowd but to put God in every action. “We sometimes ask God to interfere when there are problems, forgetting him in initial point”, adding Jobe. Talking for the church Pastor MJ Khoza told the church that Jobe did not come to seek votes but it was their request to pray for all participating parties. “As they did not all show up it is not our problem because we forwarded the request to them to come and pray for them”, says Khoza. Jobe took a chance to thank the church for their quest and made an offering to support the on-goin of the church work. He promised to support five deserving students as per party’s mission. “YCL is been doing this, not for votes but for the betterment of others lives”, commenting Jobe.

The house to house electoral campaign continued until mid day and students for flabbergasted to see party leaders campaign in this way. “This is done by national parties to convince us as citizen, they do it to try to win us”, commenting other student. Elections are waited to take place on Monday and Tuesday and only one party will make it for SRC chair.

Phumlani flies high for Unizulu

A University of Zululand and Department of Communication Science student Phumlani Nkwanyana flies high his university at the Rhodes Future Journalists Programme where they explore the world of journalism as future journalists. The third year student is being chosen by the leadership of Communication Department in the university to stand for them in the FJP. Departed on Sunday morning for Rhodes and lots of students were rejoicing for him to standing for the Department and the university at large. Commenting on his social network page said there is a lot about journalism to be learned and that he’s happy to be a part of this programme for the second time this year. He is thankful to the department for choosing him in the large population of students available in the department.


This is not freedom of expression, it hate speech

I was reading one of the newspapers and came accross the story about Julius Malema (ANCYL President), he says, 'unrespectful', "landowners who refuse amounts offered during expropriation should have their land taken away with no payment". What does that means, ANC as a ruling party in our country should think about this statement presented about by their party member. We are South Africans who elected them with our concern, they can't do anyhow or as they think.Perhaps they don't understand what the meaning of "democracy" is, it means we all citizens have a say in our government activities. Malema should be given a lecture on how to speak with people you are governing. The worse part of all, his statement can provoke war bettween the races because he touched back the already forgoten scandal of Eugene Terre'Blanche. He says they would go and take many hectares in his farm and let them not decide payment, but "he" can give them only 2 Million. Remember we are the growing South Africa, by such doing, economically, we can be affected. Zimbabwe lost it backbone of economy by such hate speeches. and most of all in SA we have lost so many companies, flooding to other countries, because doing business in SA land is so expensive. What more if we lose the one we have through this harsh possession of land? What does the SA Act regarding land say? All that must be carefully checked before attempting anything.


National teachers' strike disturbed the UZ open day

Lots of high school kids and matriculants were awaited to attend 2010 University of Zululand Open Day career guidance but the least showed up. Some of the learners were coming up dressing in their casual suits as an act of protecting themselves from striking teachers. Recently in one of the press website there was teachers caught up chasing students away from school. Departments taking part in an open day complained that at least the open day should be redone as due to the strike interruption. It is not even the halve of schools showed up when compared to the past years.


The future freedom of journalists in South Africa

The arrest of Mzilikazi wa Afrika, a Sunday Times journalist, has led to much argument within the Southern Africa media industry. Although there is no clear reason why Mr. wa Afrika is alleged. Even General Bheki Cele could not provide a soluble reason for suing Mr. wa Afrika. It is clear that Sunday Times has suspended wa Africa for they want to appear clean before the South African law, although they cannot tell a reason for his suspension or it that they fear ANC, the leading party that it would obliterate them as an official news reporter. I t is not for the reporting issue or there is a hidden scandal --they should be standing by wa Afrika’s side.

South African journalists will not retain their freedom if their representatives are diffident to tackle this matter; they are petrified to confront the ruling party for it is mainly the ANC giving directions on how news reporting should be conducted. ANC has lately turned into be journalism ethics. ANC is using powers to pull away the freedom of journalist in our nation. The ANC Youth League has come forward to support what they call “new media laws” for they know that it will limit the media industry-mainly journalist on reporting truths’ about what is happening in our democratic elected and ruling government.

Zwelinzima Vavi refused to comment on this matter of wa Afrika because he would be against the law “ANC law” which is giving directions for the media. Lots arguments rose after Zizi Kodwa, president Jacob Zuma spokes person refused to tell what proceedings has been made in a private meeting he just diverted it to ANC’s Secretary General Gwede Mantashe.

The arrest of Mr. wa Afrika is an attempt to silence independent print media on reporting disgrace the current government is practising. There is a lot of happenings unclothed by the media that led South African law to take actions, it would have been not taken into consideration if it was not reported.

SA Media need people like Tokyo Sexwale who are not afraid to speak-out the truth although maybe a debate after it, but it will stand the truth forever. What is done by the ruling party is overall an intimidation of the media freedom.

SA government prevents proper functioning of media.

by Phumlani Nkwanyana On the pic Mzilikazi Wa Afrika
I’m the journalism student and I strongly feel that our government is totally doing duties which are out of their scope. They are contributing to the malfunctioning of South African media, which is trying so hard to adapt in the global media sector.
The government of South Africa’s attempt is to stop the proper functioning of media houses in this democratic country. These political gurus want to do their illegal matters and never be identified. As the country we have obtained democracy in 1994, which gave every member of the society freedom of expression. Therefore media houses must not be shut when conducting it’s duties of informing the society. This is painful to witness that the 16 years of South African liberation has come into ruins so swift as media is not liberated accordingly. The unjust arrest of Sunday times journalist Mzilikazi WA Africa clearly indicates that our government has a long way to go in maintaining fair and free functioning of the media.
Wa Afrika’s arrest was just the means of intimidation and endeavours of shutting effectiveness of investigative journalism. The government should be focusing on matters to stop poverty and unemployment which are major challenges facing this country. I believe that there is no editor that can allow false story to be published in the national newspaper. All the charges laid against Wa Afrika are true, but the government is trying to defend it wrongs by arresting journalists. Hawks should be chasing corruption which exist in our municipalities and do away with unnecessary arrest of journalists. Billions of rands vanish without any development or transformation being made in our society. But police are busy fighting media. Our government need to know that, it the undoubted fact that media is the most powerful tool in the society. They cannot do their wrongs and never be exposed. That why investigative journalism was established, for extensive digging out of underground facts which exist within our societies. The sad part of this story is that the court found Wa Africa not guilty of any charges. But money was exceedingly spent from his arrest. The government used the amount raging from R20, 000 for Wa Africa’s arrest, R2, 000 for cost of transporting innocent Wa Africa to Mpumalanga and R15, 000 for court proceedings. This money could have helped many destitute societies. Our government should start focusing on more crucial issues of the society.


Does SA Journalists have future freedom?

South African journalists who mainly should be reporting what is happening around have turned to be the "head lines" of what is being reported. The Mail & Guardian (6/08/10) reported on the bail-release of Sunday Times journalist Mzilikazi wa Africa who was arrested.
  • Does journalists have to report good news only?
  • Does journalism ethics say "report only the goog news about the people on government"?
This issue follows that of Swaziland journalists who was threatened by Prince Mahlaba to be cautious on reporting bad news about the leadership of Swaziland.
  • As South African journalists do we see any future freedom in our career?


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